Engineering improvement of ventilation and dust removal system at coke-pushing and coke-blocking worksites in a coking plant
摘要:目的 提高化工生产中推焦及拦焦通风除尘效果, 降低推焦及拦焦工艺对工人的职业健康风险。方法 结合国内外推焦及拦焦除尘技术, 对某焦化厂拦焦除尘装置进行工程改进, 并采用现场调查、职业卫生检测等方法, 评价拦焦除尘装置的有效性。结果 该焦化厂对推焦岗位拦焦除尘系统进行了针对性改造, 可根据微机系统指令, 实现焦炉出焦全过程的自动控制及相关数据的微机显示。现场检测结果显示, 改造后推焦及拦焦作业环境的焦炭尘、焦炉逸散物(按苯可溶物计)浓度均符合国家职业接触限值的要求, 且较改造前明显下降, 差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01);焦侧作业区域环境明显改善, 净化效率达到97%。结论 采取的推焦通风除尘措施有效、可行, 能够降低推焦作业现场职业病危害因素的浓度, 值得推广。Abstract:Objective The engineering improvement of ventilation and dust removal system at the coke-pushing and coke-blocking worksites in a coking plant was carried out and the effectiveness of such control measures against the hazards was evaluated.Methods The cause of low-efficiency of previous ventilation and dust removal system at the coke-pushing and coke-blocking worksites was assessed and new control system was introduced and then the effectiveness was evaluated by the field survey and detection of occupational hazards.Results The coke oven outfit process was controlled by automatic system and the ventilation and dust removal system at the coke-pushing and coke-blocking worksites ran systematically according to the command by the microcomputer system. Field test results showed that concentrations of both coke dust and coke oven emission (as benzene soluble matter) at the coke-pushing and coke-blocking worksites were lower than values of the national occupational exposure limits and were significantly decreased compared with previous data (P < 0.01). The purification efficiency reached as high as 97% and the working environment of coke-side operating area was significantly improved.Conclusion The ventilation and dust removal at the coke-pushing and coke-blocking worksites was effective and feasible, and it can reduce the exposure levels of occupational hazards.