Objective The cancer risk of formaldehyde exposure in a zipper plant was assessed.
Methods The airborne concentration of formaldehyde in the workplace was determined according to the national guideline, and the cancer risk of the exposed workers was assessed by using EPA inhalation risk model.
Results In the workshop of plastic zipper, workers exposed to formaldehyde at worksites of resin cutting section, injection molding and assembly post. The highest concentration of formaldehyde at resin cutting section was 3.10 mg/m3 and 75% samples was higher than OELs. The calculated cancer risk was 7.97×10-4. The formaldehyde concentration at injection modeling and assembly post was lower than the OELs, while the calculated cancer risk was 5.14×10-5 and 7.07×10-5.
Conclusion The cancer risk induced by formaldehyde in the zipper plant was highly increased, especially in resin cutting section. More measures should be taken to control such exposure.