蔡洁燕, 郭嘉明, 何易楠, 龙传永, 王致, 梁嘉斌. 某铅蓄电池厂工人铅暴露生物标志和同位素指纹特征的研究[J]. 职业卫生与应急救援, 2024, 42(3): 282-287. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2024.03.001
引用本文: 蔡洁燕, 郭嘉明, 何易楠, 龙传永, 王致, 梁嘉斌. 某铅蓄电池厂工人铅暴露生物标志和同位素指纹特征的研究[J]. 职业卫生与应急救援, 2024, 42(3): 282-287. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2024.03.001
CAI Jieyan, GUO Jiaming, HE Yinan, LONG Chuanyong, WANG Zhi, LIANG Jiabin. Study on exposure and early effect biomarkers and isotope fingerprint characteristics of lead-exposed workers in a battery factory[J]. Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue, 2024, 42(3): 282-287. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2024.03.001
Citation: CAI Jieyan, GUO Jiaming, HE Yinan, LONG Chuanyong, WANG Zhi, LIANG Jiabin. Study on exposure and early effect biomarkers and isotope fingerprint characteristics of lead-exposed workers in a battery factory[J]. Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue, 2024, 42(3): 282-287. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2024.03.001


Study on exposure and early effect biomarkers and isotope fingerprint characteristics of lead-exposed workers in a battery factory

  • 摘要:
    目的 探讨铅暴露工人血铅、血锌原卟啉(zinc protoporphyrin,ZPP)、尿铅、尿δ-氨基-γ-酮戊酸(δ-aminolevulinic acid,δ-ALA)水平以及铅稳定同位素的指纹特征,分析它们之间的相关性,为铅稳定同位素示踪研究和应用提供基础。
    方法 2021年6—12月,以某市某铅蓄电池厂的40名存在铅暴露的在岗工人为研究对象,采用问卷调查的形式记录其工龄、吸烟、饮酒等相关情况,测定工人血铅、尿铅、铅暴露相关生物标志的水平,以及血、尿、环境(工作场所降尘)和水等样本中铅同位素比值(lead isotope ratio,LIR)(207/206Pb、208/206Pb、204/206Pb),并进行统计学分析。
    结果 调查对象血铅56.0 ~ 757.6 μg/L,平均(300.0 ± 159.8)μg/L,异常率为5.0%;尿铅2.5 ~ 235.3 μg/L,平均(40.1 ± 45.2)μg/L,异常率为7.5%;ZPP水平为0.13 ~ 7.35 μmol/L,平均(1.78 ± 1.86)μmol/L,异常率为17.5%;尿δ-ALA水平为0.71 ~ 7.46 mg/L,平均(2.78 ± 1.70)mg/L,异常率为7.5%。Pearson相关性分析结果显示,总体血铅与血ZPP、尿铅与尿δ-ALA、血铅与尿δ-ALA均为正相关关系(r= 0.536、0.728、0.511,P<0.01)。不同工龄的工人血铅及血ZPP水平的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),均表现为1 ~ 4年工龄的工人较高;不饮酒的工人血ZPP水平高于饮酒者(P<0.05)。铅暴露工人尿液的208/206Pb、207/206Pb均高于血液(P<0.01)。该厂自来水的208/206Pb、207/206Pb低于血液、尿液(P<0.01);工作场所降尘的208/206Pb低于铅暴露工人血液(P<0.01),207/206Pb、208/206Pb均低于铅暴露工人尿液(P<0.01)。铅暴露工人血207/206Pb、208/206Pb与血铅水平为负相关关系(r = -0.562、-0.673,P<0.01),血208/206Pb与尿δ-ALA水平为负相关关系(r= -0.416,P<0.01);尿207/206Pb、208/206Pb与尿铅水平为负相关关系(r= -0.613,P<0.01;r= -0.331,P<0.05),尿207/206Pb与血ZPP水平为负相关关系(r= -0.636,P<0.01)。
    结论 血铅与血ZPP和尿δ-ALA具有较好的相关性,与环境中铅同位素比值具有较好的一致性。铅暴露工人血液、尿液中铅同位素比值的差异提示铅在进入人体后可能存在“分馏”现象。


    Objective To investigate the levels of blood lead and zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP), urine lead and δ-aminolevulinic acid (δ-ALA), and the fingerprint characteristics of stable lead isotopes among workers exposed to lead, and to analyze their correlations to provide a foundation for studies and applications of lead stable isotope tracing.
    Methods Taking 40 lead-exposed workers in a lead-acid battery factory in a city as the research object, the relevant conditions such as working age, smoking, drinking, etc. were recorded by a questionnaire. The levels of blood lead, urine lead, and biomarkers associated with lead exposure were measured, as were the lead isotope ratio (LIR) (207/206Pb, 208/206Pb, 204/206Pb) in blood, urine, environmental samples (workplace dustfall), and water, and statistical analysis was carried out.
    Results The blood lead level of the subjects was 56.0-757.6 μg/L, with an average of (300.0 ± 159.8) μg/L, and the abnormality rate of 5.0%; the urine lead level was 2.5-235.3 μg/L, with an average of (40.1 ± 45.2) μg/L, and an abnormality rate of 7.5%; the blood ZPP level was 0.13-7.35 μmol/L, with an average of (1.78 ± 1.86) μmol/L, and an abnormality rate of 17.5%; the urine δ-ALA level was 0.71-7.46 mg/L, with an average of (2.78 ± 1.70) mg/L, and an abnormality rate of 7.5%. Pearson correlation analysis showed positive correlations between overall blood lead and blood ZPP, urine lead and urine δ-ALA, and blood lead and urine δ-ALA (r = 0.536, 0.728, 0.511, P < 0.01). Significant statistical differences were found in blood lead and blood ZPP levels among workers with different employment times (P < 0.05), with the higher levels observed in workers with employment times of 1-4 years; non-drinking workers had higher blood ZPP levels than drinking workers (P < 0.05). Workers exposed to lead had higher levels of 208/206Pb and 207/206Pb in their urine than in their blood (P < 0.01). The tap water from the plant showed lower levels of 208/206Pb and 207/206Pb compared to blood and urine (P < 0.01); the workplace dustfall had a lower level of 208/206Pb compared to blood (P < 0.01), and both 207/206Pb and 208/206Pb were lower than those in urine (P < 0.01). There was a negative correlation between blood 207/206Pb, 208/206Pb and blood lead levels (r = -0.562, -0.673, P < 0.01) and between blood 208/206Pb and urine δ-ALA levels (r = -0.416, P < 0.01). Urine 207/206Pb and 208/206Pb also showed a negative correlation with urine lead levels (r = -0.613, P < 0.01; r = -0.331, P < 0.05), and urine 207/206Pb had a negative correlation with blood ZPP levels (r = -0.636, P < 0.01).
    Conclusions Blood lead levels correlated well with blood ZPP and urine δ-ALA and were consistent with LIR in the environment. The difference in LIR in blood and urine indicated that lead may have "fractionation" after entering the human body.


