万宽, 汤叶花, 张唯一, 潘海瑛. 上海市某区涉矽作业场所综合干预效果评估[J]. 职业卫生与应急救援, 2025, 43(1): 51-54. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2025.240267
引用本文: 万宽, 汤叶花, 张唯一, 潘海瑛. 上海市某区涉矽作业场所综合干预效果评估[J]. 职业卫生与应急救援, 2025, 43(1): 51-54. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2025.240267
WAN Kuan, TANG Yehua, ZHANG Weiyi, PAN Haiying. Evaluation of comprehensive intervention effect in silica-related workplaces in a district of Shanghai[J]. Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue, 2025, 43(1): 51-54. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2025.240267
Citation: WAN Kuan, TANG Yehua, ZHANG Weiyi, PAN Haiying. Evaluation of comprehensive intervention effect in silica-related workplaces in a district of Shanghai[J]. Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue, 2025, 43(1): 51-54. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2025.240267


Evaluation of comprehensive intervention effect in silica-related workplaces in a district of Shanghai

  • 摘要:
    目的 评估监测-干预-评估模式在矽尘作业场所中应用的效果,以期为相关作业场所的粉尘防治提供科学依据。
    方法 2021—2023年,将上海市某区内19家涉及矽尘作业的企业纳入监测-干预-评估模式管理,通过为期1年的综合干预,监测工作场所空气中的矽尘浓度变化;同时调查企业在职业卫生培训、职业健康检查、职业卫生相关管理制度落实等方面的改善情况。
    结果 应用监测-干预-评估模式后,作业场所空气中的矽尘浓度明显下降,检测点合格率从62.12%(41/66)提升至83.33%(55/66)(P < 0.01);接尘工人的职业卫生培训参与率和职业健康检查的参与率分别从干预前的81.18%(591/728)、83.68%(609/728)提升至干预后的98.30%(751/764)、99.48%(760/764)(均P < 0.001);企业职业卫生相关管理制度落实均有不同程度提升,组织职业健康检查、防尘设施有效运行管理、工人能正确佩戴防尘口罩的企业占比从干预前的68.42%(13家)、47.37%(9家)、63.16%(12家)提升至干预后的100%(19家)、89.47%(17家)、97.47%(18家)(均P < 0.05)。
    结论 实施监测-干预-评估模式能有效提升企业职业卫生管理状况,改善矽尘作业场所的作业环境。


    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of the monitoring-intervention-assessment model in workplaces where workers were exposed to silica dust, in order to provide scientific evidence for dust control in related work environments.
    Methods From 2021 to 2023, 19 enterprises in a district of Shanghai involving silica dust operations were intervened according to the management of the monitoring-intervention-assessment model. Through a one-year comprehensive intervention, the changes in silica dust concentration in the workplace, the improvements in occupational health training, the work on occupational health examinations, and the implementation of occupational health management systems in these enterprises were investigated.
    Results After applying the monitoring-intervention-assessment model, the concentration of silica dust in the workplace decreased significantly, with the rate of compliance with OELs increasing from 62.12% (41/66) to 83.33% (55/66) (P < 0.01). The participation rate in occupational health training and occupational health examinations of workers exposed to dust increased from 81.18% (591/728) and 83.68% (609/728) to 98.30% (751/764) and 99.48% (760/764) after the intervention, respectively (both P < 0.001). The implementation of occupational health management systems in enterprises also improved to varying degrees. The proportion of enterprises conducting occupational health examinations, effectively managing dust control facilities, and workers wearing dust masks correctly increased from 68.42% (13), 47.37% (9), and 63.16% (12) before the intervention to 100% (19), 89.47% (17), and 97.47% (18) after the intervention, respectively (all P < 0.05).
    Conclusions Implementing the monitoring-intervention-assessment model can effectively improve the occupational health management of enterprises and enhance the working environment quality in workplaces with silica dust operations.


