李小琴, 毛一扬, 胡君, 吴倩倩, 李震, 程金霞, 陆盛华. 2012—2022年扬州市新发职业病情况分析[J]. 职业卫生与应急救援, 2025, 43(1): 61-64, 122. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2025.240349
引用本文: 李小琴, 毛一扬, 胡君, 吴倩倩, 李震, 程金霞, 陆盛华. 2012—2022年扬州市新发职业病情况分析[J]. 职业卫生与应急救援, 2025, 43(1): 61-64, 122. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2025.240349
LI Xiaoqin, MAO Yiyang, HU Jun, WU Qianqian, LI Zhen, CHENG Jinxia, LU Shenghua. Analysis of newly diagnosed occupational diseases in Yangzhou from 2012 to 2022[J]. Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue, 2025, 43(1): 61-64, 122. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2025.240349
Citation: LI Xiaoqin, MAO Yiyang, HU Jun, WU Qianqian, LI Zhen, CHENG Jinxia, LU Shenghua. Analysis of newly diagnosed occupational diseases in Yangzhou from 2012 to 2022[J]. Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue, 2025, 43(1): 61-64, 122. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2025.240349


Analysis of newly diagnosed occupational diseases in Yangzhou from 2012 to 2022

  • 摘要:
    目的 掌握扬州市职业病的发病特点、变化趋势和规律,明确职业病防控的重点,为研究制定全市的职业病防治对策提供依据和支撑。
    方法 收集2012年1月—2022年12月扬州市新诊断的职业病病例资料,对患者的一般情况(性别、发病年龄、工种、工龄等)、病例所在用人单位信息(用人单位所在地区、企业规模、行业类型等)以及职业病病种进行描述性分析。
    结果 2012—2022年扬州市共报告新发职业病8大类28种363例,新发职业病病例数总体呈现波浪形变化趋势。其中,男性287例(占79.06%),女性76例(占20.94%);发病年龄中位数48(43,52)岁;职业性耳鼻喉口腔疾病192例(占52.89%)、职业性尘肺病及其他呼吸系统疾病70例(占19.28%)、职业性化学中毒52例(占14.33%),合计占总病例的86.5%。职业性耳鼻喉口腔疾病以职业性噪声聋为主,171例(占89.1%)。
    结论 扬州市新发职业病以职业性噪声聋、职业性尘肺病及其他呼吸系统疾病和职业性化学中毒为主,应加强噪声专项治理,加强对中小型私营企业的指导、帮扶和监督管理。


    Objective To understand the incidence characteristics, changing trends, and patterns of occupational diseases in Yangzhou, clarify the key areas for prevention and control of occupational disease, and provide a basis for formulating city-wide strategies on preventing occupational disease.
    Methods Data were collected on newly diagnosed cases of occupational diseases in Yangzhou from January 2012 to December 2022. A descriptive analysis was conducted on patients' general information (such as gender, age of onset, type of work, and work age), information about the employers (including the location of the employer, enterprise size, and industry type), and types of occupational diseases.
    Results A total of 363 new cases of occupational diseases, covering 28 types in 8 categories, were reported in Yangzhou from 2012 to 2022, showing an overall wave-like trend. Among them, 287 cases were male (79.06%), and 76 cases were female (20.94%). The median age of onset was 48 (43, 52) years. There were 192 cases of occupational ear-nose-throat diseases (52.89%), 70 cases of occupational pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases (19.28%), and 52 cases of occupational chemical poisoning (14.33%), together accounting for 86.5% of the total cases. Occupational ear-nose-throat diseases were dominated by occupational noise induced deafness (171 cases, 89.1%).
    Conclusions The newly diagnosed occupational diseases in Yangzhou were mainly occupational noise induced hearing loss, occupational pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases, and occupational chemical poisoning. Efforts should be made to strengthen noise control measures and enhance guidance, assistance, and supervision of small and medium-sized private enterprises.


