Discussion on the disposal measures of liquid ammonia leakage
摘要: 液氨作为重要的化工原料,应用范围广泛,但其所具有的危险特性使得一旦发生泄漏事故,极易造成人员中毒和伤亡。为了最大限度控制液氨泄漏带来的危害后果,结合2013年发生的多起液氨泄漏事故,对液氨泄漏的原因及危害做了分析,同时对液氨泄漏事故应急处置中的关键环节作了探讨。Abstract: Liquid ammonia is widely used and leaks easily,and then cause poisoning and casualties. As the main emergency rescue force,fire fighting must take timely measures to control and slow down the spread of leakage and mitigate the consequences. Research on the key disposal measures of liquid ammonia leakage is very necessary. In this paper,we make an analysis based on the liquid ammonia leakage cases in 2013.