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Cover and Contents - vol. 38 No. 1
2020, 38(1): I-IV.
[Abstract] [PDF]
Management quality evaluation of occupational disease reporting with AHP-TOPSIS method
LIU Lei, CHENG Tingting, TANG Kun, ZHA Wansheng, HU Xunjia, GENG Weiwei, LI Pengfei, JIANG Zhenghao, LI Kaichun
2020, 38(1): 1-6. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.001
[Abstract] [PDF]
Role of regulatory T cells and regulatory B cells in pathogenesis of occupational medicamentosa-like dermatitis due to trichloroethylene
DENG Lihua, LU Yan, DENG Lidan, WEI Shiliang, LIANG Shi
2020, 38(1): 7-10, 34. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.002
[Abstract] [PDF]
Application of failure mode and effect analysis method to reduce medical staff's occupational exposure risk during sharps instrument disposal
CHEN Ping, LIU Yong, WANG Yan, DUAN Xiaofei, CHEN Lan, LIN Hua
2020, 38(1): 11-14. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.003
[Abstract] [PDF]
Risk factors for in-hospital death after primary PCI of patients with acute myocardial infarction and combined with cardiogenic shock
WANG Lei, ZHANG Xiaohui, ZHANG Yue, CAO Wei
2020, 38(1): 15-19, 40. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.004
[Abstract] [PDF]
Designing questionnaire on public health emergency response capabilities for emergency nurse and its validity testing
ZHANG Xiaoru, TONG Yuping, LIU Jiazhen, DU Juan, WANG Zixiu, ZHANG Yongjun
2020, 38(1): 20-25, 43. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.005
[Abstract] [PDF]
Investigation on tri -simultaneity of occupational -disease -prevention facilities of construction projects in a district of Shanghai
LIU Wuzhong, ZHAO Qiankui, JIA Wenbin, MA Dan, GUO Xiaoli
2020, 38(1): 26-29. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.006
[Abstract] [PDF]
Preliminary population study on erythrocyte covalent crosslinking spectrin as a surrogate biomarker of n-hexane induced neurotoxicity
LIN Dafeng, KONG Qiuyue, YANG Guangtao, FENG Wenting, LI Qianlan, ZHANG Yanfang, HUANG Xianqing
2020, 38(1): 30-34. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.007
[Abstract] [PDF]
Application of occupational health risk assessment in the management and control of safety risk of chemical hazards
CHEN Zhe, XU Hongqing
2020, 38(1): 35-40. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.008
[Abstract] [PDF]
Adverse effects of long-term low-dose exposure to ionizing radiation on thyroid nodules of medical staff in radiology department
FENG Chunyan, WANG Liying
2020, 38(1): 41-43. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.009
[Abstract] [PDF]
Investigation on micronucleus in peripheral blood lymphocytes of radiation workers in Yangzhou
XU Pei, JIN Wu, MAO Yiyang, ZHOU Jingdong, DOU Jianrui
2020, 38(1): 44-46. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.010
[Abstract] [PDF]
Survey on health status of radiation workers in Changshu in 2018
CHEN Lifeng, ZHU Zongming
2020, 38(1): 47-50, 85. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.011
[Abstract] [PDF]
Occupational health status of workers exposed to key occupational hazard in Zhongshan 2017
PAN Wenna, LIANG Yongxi, LIU haozhong, ZHOU Yuchao, FENG Jianqing
2020, 38(1): 51-55. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.012
[Abstract] [PDF]
Investigation on overweight and obesity of male bus drivers in Chengdu
LI Caixia, LIANG Zhijuan, ZHANG Weiying, YIN Xin, MOU Yanmei, QI Li, YOU Xian
2020, 38(1): 56-58. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.013
[Abstract] [PDF]
Effects of empathy nursing on negative emotions and treatment compliance of long-term inpatients with pneumoconiosis
GAO Mingjie, GAO Mingjing
2020, 38(1): 59-62. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.014
[Abstract] [PDF]
Characterization of poisoning cases reported by sentinel monitoring hospitals in a district of Shanghai from 2017 to 2019
DU Yanxia, LIU Zhongling, HOU Jianhua, SHEN Bing
2020, 38(1): 63-66. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.015
[Abstract] [PDF]
High level styrene exposure aggravated effects of noise on hearing
LIANG Yongxi, LIU Xinxia, FENG Jianqing, ZHOU Yuchao, PAN Wenna, LIU Haozhong
2020, 38(1): 67-69, 93. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.016
[Abstract] [PDF]
Application of ALOHA software in chemical emergency rescue
CHENG Yulong, WANG Xiaodong, MA Tengbo, ZHANG Chunming
2020, 38(1): 70-75. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.017
[Abstract] [PDF]
Comparison of acute toxicity classification of chemicals
WANG Wenye, ZHU Huihui, WANG Hongsong, Wu Xingxing, PAN Peng
2020, 38(1): 76-79. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.018
[Abstract] [PDF]
Investigation of subacute toxic liver disease caused by trichloromethane in a foreign-invested printing enterprise
XU Qian, SUN Yaqiang, QIN Hong
2020, 38(1): 80-82, 89. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.019
[Abstract] [PDF]
Investigation of an acute occupational mixed gas poisoning accident in a confined space
MEI Limin, GAO Jianmei, XIA Jialong
2020, 38(1): 83-85. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.020
[Abstract] [PDF]
Prevention and management of common injury accidents in chemical laboratories of universities
WANG Guotian, LI Jiang, DUAN Zhongxia, ZHAO Bin, FANG Wenqiang, YUAN Yu
2020, 38(1): 86-89. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.021
[Abstract] [PDF]
Thinking on logic of occupational disease diagnosis
CAO Xiaoyan
2020, 38(1): 90-93. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.022
[Abstract] [PDF]
Experience in application of general diagnostic criteria for occupational chemical poisoning
SHANG Bo, FU Enhui
2020, 38(1): 94-96. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Review on molecular mechanism of occupational noise-induced hearing loss
DOU Jianming, LIAO Ping, WANG Zubing, WANG Wenjing
2020, 38(1): 97-102. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2020.01.024
[Abstract] [PDF]