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Poisoning control to protect public health
ZHANG Meibian
2023, 41(1): 1-1.
[Abstract] [PDF]
Current situation of poison hazard and response strategies
SUN Chengye
2023, 41(1): 2-3. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.001
[Abstract] [PDF]
Construction and capacity building of health emergency response system for acute poisoning accidents in China
ZHOU Jing, ZHANG Meibian
2023, 41(1): 4-9. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.002
[Abstract] [PDF]
Legal guarantee and standard and normative system construction related to health emergency response to acute poisoning accidents in China
ZHANG Hongshun
2023, 41(1): 10-14. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.003
[Abstract] [PDF]
Investigation on current situation of emergency responses to acute poisoning accidents in various-level centers for disease control and prevention in China
ZHOU Jing, YUAN Yuan, LANG Nan, SUN Chengye
2023, 41(1): 15-19. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.004
[Abstract] [PDF]
Upgrade and practice of health emergency information platform for acute poisoning accidents
LANG Nan, ZHANG Yutao, JIANG Shaofeng, YUAN Yuan, SUN Chengye, ZHANG Hongshun, ZHOU Jing
2023, 41(1): 20-23. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.005
[Abstract] [PDF]
Construction and application of poison information database and toxic animal and plant specimen digit repository platform system
YIN Yu, JIANG Shaofeng, ZHANG Hongshun, SUN Chengye
2023, 41(1): 24-27. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.006
[Abstract] [PDF]
Investigation on reserve of common used antidotes in the appointed medical institutions for poisoning treatment in China and thinking on improvement of reserve mechanism
ZHOU Jing, LANG Nan, YUAN Yuan, SUN Chengye
2023, 41(1): 28-32. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.007
[Abstract] [PDF]
Characteristics of counseling cases related to pesticide poisoning from 2011 to 2020 and discussion on control strategies
JIANG Shaofeng, YIN Yu, ZHANG Yutao, HE Qian, CHENG Bowen, MA Peibin, ZHOU Jing, SUN Chengye, ZHANG Hongshun
2023, 41(1): 33-36. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.008
[Abstract] [PDF]
Characteristics of acute occupational poisoning cases reported in China from 2004 to 2021
YUAN Yuan, HE Qian, WANG Dan, ZHOU Jing, LANG Lan, YIN Yu, ZHANG Meibian, SUN Chengye
2023, 41(1): 37-42. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.009
[Abstract] [PDF]
Epidemiological characteristics of acute chemical poisoning cases in China from 2017 to 2021
ZHANG Yutao, JIANG Shaofeng, LANG Nan, HE Qian, ZHANG Hongshun
2023, 41(1): 43-48. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.010
[Abstract] [PDF]
Discussion on sustainability pathways and strategies of the National Health Emergency Mobile Disposal Center for Acute Poisoning Accidents: an example of the"National(Shandong) Team"
WANG Dianguo, WANG Shanshan, MENG Chong, WANG Haiming
2023, 41(1): 49-51. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.011
[Abstract] [PDF]
Exploration and practice on construction, operation and capacity improvement of the national emergency response team for acute poisoning accidents: an example of the"National(Chongqing) Team"
WANG Shisong, TU Feng
2023, 41(1): 52-55. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.012
[Abstract] [PDF]
Thoughts on medical rescue of acute poisoning in chemical industry park
QIAO Li, ZHANG Jinsong
2023, 41(1): 56-59. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.013
[Abstract] [PDF]
Correlation between actin-binding protein TRIOBP and susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss
GAO Yunxia, ZHANG Jinwei, LI Yanru, QIU Congxi, RUAN Yanmei, ZHANG Yuxia, YE Cuiping, WANG Zhi
2023, 41(1): 60-66. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.014
[Abstract] [PDF]
Occupational stress status and its influencing factors of assembly -line workers in labor-intensive enterprises
LI Xiaoyi, CHEN Huiqing, YANG Min, GUO Yao, HUO Shaoxue, XU Ding
2023, 41(1): 67-72. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.015
[Abstract] [PDF]
High -frequency hearing loss of noise -exposure workers in bottled beverage manufacturing enterprises
PAN Wenna, LIU Keping, FENG Jianqing, CHEN Hao
2023, 41(1): 73-78. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.016
[Abstract] [PDF]
Investigation on professional identity and perceived social support of nurses in standardized training under epidemic period in Shanghai
XU Huajiao, ZHANG Ying, WU Lingling, JIANG Lianqing, SHEN Weihong
2023, 41(1): 79-84. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.017
[Abstract] [PDF]
Survey on chromosome aberration rate of peripheral blood lymphocytes among radiological workers in Hunan Province
HU Xian, XING Yinghong, YUAN Huamin
2023, 41(1): 85-87. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.018
[Abstract] [PDF]
Effects of different doses of Xuebijing injection on prognosis of patients with severe acute pancreatitis
NI Tongtian, CHEN Ying, ZHU Xiaojuan, CHE Zaiqian, MA Li, ZHAO Bing, ZHOU Weijun, MAO Enqiang, CHEN Erzhen
2023, 41(1): 88-92. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.019
[Abstract] [PDF]
Comparison of results of dust and noise hazard assessment in a stone processing enterprise using different risk assessment methods
LIU Mengmeng, ZHANG Jian, ZENG Qiang
2023, 41(1): 93-97. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.020
[Abstract] [PDF]
PEST-SWOT analysis on application of unmanned aerial vehicle in health emergency response of chemical poisoning
TANG Shihao, LI Xin, ZHANG Jinwei, MAI qiuyuan, LIANG Jiabin, ZHOU Liping, WANG Zhi
2023, 41(1): 98-103. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.021
[Abstract] [PDF]
Personal protection of firefighters in public health emergencies
ZHANG Li'an, WANG Huifei
2023, 41(1): 104-107. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.022
[Abstract] [PDF]
Method of fitting radiation dose-effect curves with Excel software
GAO Chaoxian, YANG Xueqing, LI Limei, ZHANG wen, FENG Wenting, YI Juan, HUI Changye
2023, 41(1): 108-112. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Similarities and differences between hazard classification and transportation classification based on analysis of hazardous chemicals types
PU Zhengyu, HUANG Chaozheng, CHEN Yushuang
2023, 41(1): 113-116. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.024
[Abstract] [PDF]
Research progress on occupational hazards and biomarkers of low-concentration benzene
ZHANG Naixing, WANG Dianpeng, FENG Guangquan, LIN Dafeng, GUO Yan, DENG Lidan, YANG Xiangli, LI Peimao, ZHANG Zhimin, ZHANG Wen, FENG Weiting
2023, 41(1): 117-121. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.025
[Abstract] [PDF]
Progress in the mechanism of pulmonary fibrosis induced by carbon nanotubes
ZHANG Jiazhen, YANG Yang, ZHANG Xiaoli, LI Bo, ZHANG Jing
2023, 41(1): 122-126. DOI: 10.16369/j.oher.issn.1007-1326.2023.01.026
[Abstract] [PDF]