Therapeutic effect of combined calcium disodium edetate and water-soluble vitamins on lead poisoning
Graphical Abstract
Objective To explore the most effective treatment method for chronic lead poisoning patients. Methods A total of 100 patients diagnosed as occupationally chronic mild lead poisoning were treated as the experimental group with intravenous infusion of water-soluble vitamins and calcium disodium edetate,plus calcium,iron and other trace elements. Another group of 100 cases were treated as the control group with intravenous infusion of disodium edetate calcium,plus calcium,iron and other trace elements,without water-soluble vitamins. The lead level in both urine and blood and the clinical manifestation were observed after the first course of treatment. Results The patients' lead level in both urine and blood was significantly lower in the experimental group compared with the control group(t=5.38,6.20; P < 0.01),while clinical manifestation was significantly improved(χ2=63.78, P < 0.01). Conclusion The use of water-soluble vitamins was helpful and effective for the treatment of lead poisoning.